Google shows links to an old version of the lecture notes

@anton-akhmerov : Links to the lecture notes often come in the top of google search results for some solid state physics related concepts :partying_face: , but some of them link to what looks like a proto-version of the lecture notes with the link pattern:


for example:

Electrons and phonons in 1D - Open Solid State Notes (

Thanks, should be fixed now (I made old pages redirect to the new ones). Out of curiosity, which queries lead to us?

For example:

  1. “Drude model” - 3rd result
  2. “Sommerfeld model” - 2nd result
  3. “Debye model” - 3rd result
  4. “Einstein model heat capacity” - 2nd result

and also some content related queries like:

  1. “Doping effective mass” - 8th result
  2. “1D chain degrees of freedom” - 2nd result
  3. “Reciprocal lattice vectors” - 9th result
  4. “Effective mass extrinsic semiconductor” - 4th result

It could be though that they are listed near top because of some sort of a personalized search in my browser :thinking: I have not checked it on a different machine / different location.